Research in complex geometry at IMAG, in the GTA team, I am PI of ANR-21-CE40-0011 JCJC project MARGE 2021-2025.
I defended my HDR in May 2024.
I belong to the French research groups RT GAS and Algèbre and I am a member of SMF, the French Mathematical Society, and European Mathematical Society.
I have been a postdoctoral researcher at University of Strasbourg (2018-2019) and ENS-PSL (2016-2018). Before that, I was PhD student (2012-2015) then ATER (2015-2016) at UGA.
I defended my PhD thesis Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications in October 2015.
Philippe Eyssidieux was my advisor.
Going back in time, Mathematics Genealogy Project indicates that my mathematical ancestors were: Ngaiming Mok, Yum-Tong Siu, Robert Clifford Gunning, Salomon Bochner, Erhard Schmidt, David Hilbert (and I'll stop here: Hilbert has over 36000 descendants in the database!).
Until July 2024, I was in charge of the weekly AGATA seminar in Montpellier, with Damien Calaque (see here for the official seminar website). On June 25-28 2024, I participated in the conference Varieties with Boundaries in Wakkanai, Japan On May 30 2024 I defended my HDR "Métriques de Kähler canoniques sur les variétés sphériques", I am now officially allowed to supervize PhD students and to apply to Professor positions in France. On May 21-24 2024, Nivedita Viswanathan and Tiago Duarte Guerreiro visited me in Montpellier. On May 15-17 2024, Simon Jubert visited me in Montpellier. On April 16-19 2024, I participated in the Workshop on homogeneous varieties in Daejeon, Korea, where I gave a two hours talk. On April 9 2024, I visited Ronan Terpereau in Lille and gave a talk at the algebraic geometry seminar. On April 2-4 2024, Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros visited me in Montpellier. In March 2024 I co-organized an Oberwolfach workshop on Birational geometry, Mirror symmetry and K-stability, together with Susanna Zimmermann and Liana Heuberger. The report is here. On February 12-13 2024 I organized a MARGE workshop on real Monge-Ampère equations and SYZ conjecture in Montpellier. Jakob Hultgren visited for the week. On January 29-30 2024, I visited Eleonora Di Nezza in Paris and gave a talk at the SAG seminar. On March 28-29 2024, King and I visited Carl Tipler in Brest, and I gave a talk at the geometry seminar. Together with Clément Dupont, we organized a reading seminar on logarithmic geometry in Montpellier
On March 23-24, 2023, I organized the (final?) FIBALGA workshop in Montpellier. On May 15-19 2023, I participated in the International conference "Workshop on Moduli, K-stability, Fano varieties, and related topics" at IBS in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. I gave two 1-hour talks (slides for talk1 and talk2) on effective K-stability of spherical varieties, the first talk giving an introduction to spherical varieties via a WIP on the classification of spherical Fano fourfolds with Pierre-Louis Montagard. On September 25-29 2023, I participated in the CMI Workshop K-stability and Birational Geometry in Oxford, UK, and I gave a talk on my preprint with Pierre-Louis Montagard. On November 23 2023, I gave a talk at the Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar On April 10-14 2023, I attended the Oberwolfach workshop "Komplexe Analysis - Differential and Algebraic methods in Kähler spaces".
June 2-3 2022: I organized the first workshop of ANR MARGE: Young researchers in Kähler and Hermitian geometry, Montpellier First half of 2022: I organized the online reading seminar Weighted cscK metrics and semisimple principal fibrations On January 5-7 2022, I gave a series of three two-hours lectures on canonical Kähler metrics on spherical varieties, online at the Ensemble of Algebra and Geometry seminar, here are the lecture notes, with some minor typos Lecture 1, Lecture 2 and Lecture 3. On December 11-14 2022, I visited Sébastien Boucksom in Paris. On November 23 2022, I gave a talk at Edge days 2022 (21-25 November) in Edinburgh. October 30 to November 4 2022, I visited Eleonora Di Nezza in Paris. On October 24-25 2022, Pierre-Alexandre Gillard visited me in Montpellier. On July 10-13 I visited Olivier Biquard, Sébastien Boucksom and Eleonora Di Nezza in Paris. June 27 to July 1, Tiago Duarte Guerreiro visited me in Montpellier. On June 21-23 2022, I gave a talk at the International Workshop Kähler and non-Kähler Geometry: New Developments and Interactions in Aarhus. On June 15 2022, I gave a talk at the virtual seminar on Geometry with Symmetries. May 29 to June 3 2022: Annamaria Ortu and Carlo Scarpa visited me in Montpellier. April-May 2022, I organized a local reading seminar on plurisubharmonic functions and the Monge-Ampère operator. On May 19-20 2022, I gave a talk at the Journées d'études TLAG 2022. On May 9 2022, I gave a talk at the séminaire de géométrie complexe in Nancy. On April 28 2022, I gave a talk at the special session "Group actions on varieties" of Korean Mathematical Society Spring Meeting 2022 (slides). On March 25 2022, I gave a talk at the séminaire de géométrie in Nantes. On March 9-11 2022, I gave a talk at the FIBALGA workshop Poitiers 2022. On March 3-4 2022, I visited Eveline Legendre and Simon Jubert in Toulouse.
Together with Pierre-Louis Montagard, we organized the Journées d'étude du GDR TLAG 2021 on June 24-25 2021. Together with Georgios Kydonakis and Florent Schaffhauser, we organized the conference Geometric and Analytic aspects of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles online, on June 7-11 2021. On July 5-9 2021, I visited Chinh Lu, Sébastien Boucksom, Olivier Biquard and Paul Gauduchon in Paris. On June 14-18 2021, I gave a talk at the Algebraic Geometry in Angers conference. May 31 to June 4 2021, I attended AMAZER conference to celebrate Ahmed Zeriahi. On May 25 2021, I gave an online talk at the School of mathematics and statistics, Beijing Insitute of Technology, invited by Yan Li. On April 29 2021, I gave a talk at the Séminaire de géométrie complexe in Toulouse. On March 18-19 2021, I gave a talk at the FIBALGA 2021 Workshop in Dijon. On January 22 2021, I gave an online talk at Tokyo Tech geometry seminar, invited by Yoshinori Hashimoto. On January 11 2021, I gave an online talk at the Séminaire ANH of Insitut de Mathématiques d'Orsay, invited by Chinh Lu. On January 5 2021, I gave an online talk at the Geometry seminar of Lisbonne, invited by Rosa Sena Dias.
Together with Clément Dupont, we ran a reading seminar on Théorie de Hodge en combinatoire in 2020 (in French). On August 17-21 I gave an online talk at Oberwolfach workshop "Komplexe Analysis: algebraicity and transcendence".
Numerical invariants for weighted cscK metrics
Thibaut Delcroix and Simon Jubert
submitted arXiv:2503.01680Weight sensitivity in K-stability of Fano varieties
Thibaut Delcroix
submitted arXiv:2411.07864CscK metrics on rank one spherical Fano fourfolds
Thibaut Delcroix
4 pages note intended for a Proceedings volume arXiv:2408.12893SYZ and optimal transport stability of Weyl polytopes
Thibaut Delcroix and Jakob Hultgren
accepted at Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly arXiv:2406.02068Limits of conical Kähler-Einstein metrics on rank one horosymmetric spaces
Thibaut Delcroix
accepted at Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society doi:10.1112/blms.13069arXiv:2310.04062Spherical actions on locally factorial Fano varieties of dimension \(\leq 4\) and rank \(\leq 2\)
Thibaut Delcroix and Pierre-Louis Montagard
submitted arXiv:2308.15858An effective weighted K-stability condition for polytopes and semisimple principal toric fibrations
Thibaut Delcroix and Simon Jubert Annales Henri Lebesgue Volume 6 (2023), pp. 117-149. doi:10.5802/ahl.161arXiv:2202.02996The Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for cohomogeneity one manifolds
Thibaut Delcroix
In: Cheltsov, I., Chen, X., Katzarkov, L., Park, J. (eds) Birational Geometry, Kähler–Einstein Metrics and Degenerations., Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 409. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17859-7_10arXiv:2011.07135 Uniform K-stability of polarized spherical varieties
Thibaut Delcroix, with an appendix by Yuji Odaka EPIGA, Vol 7, 2023 doi:10.46298/epiga.2022.9959arXiv:2009.06463 Examples of K-unstable Fano manifolds
Thibaut Delcroix Annales de l'Institut Fourier Tome 72 no. 5, 2079--2108 (2022) Zbl 07589437doi:10.5802/aif.3505arXiv:1911.08300Coupled complex Monge-Ampère equations on Fano horosymmetric manifolds
Thibaut Delcroix and Jakob Hultgren Journal de Mathématiques pures et appliquées (9) 153, 281--315 (2021) Zbl 07395705doi:10.1016/j.matpur.2020.12.002arXiv:1812.07218
Ricci flat Kähler metrics on rank two complex symmetric spaces
Thibaut Delcroix and Olivier Biquard Journal de l'École Polytechnique - Mathématiques 6, 163--201 (2019) Zbl 1431.53076doi:10.5802/jep.91arXiv:1807.07129
Kähler geometry of horosymmetric varieties, and application to Mabuchi's K-energy functional
Thibaut Delcroix Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 763, 129--199 (2020) Zbl 1446.32015doi:10.1515/crelle-2018-0040arXiv:1712.00221
K-Stability of Fano spherical varieties
Thibaut Delcroix Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (4) 53, No. 3, 615--662 (2020) Zbl 07226614doi:10.24033/asens.2430arXiv:1608.01852
Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications
Thibaut Delcroix Geometric and Functional Analysis 27, No. 1, 78--129 (2017) Zbl 1364.32017doi:10.1007/s00039-017-0394-yarXiv:1510.07384
Log canonical thresholds on group compactifications
Thibaut Delcroix Algebraic Geometry 4, No. 2, 203--220 (2017) Zbl 1393.14050doi:10.14231/AG-2017-010arXiv:1510.05079
Alpha-invariant of toric line bundles
Thibaut Delcroix Annales Polonici Mathematici 114, No. 1, 13--27 (2015) Zbl 1331.32010doi:10.4064/ap114-1-2arXiv:1409.0961
Les groupes de Burger-Mozes ne sont pas Kählériens
Thibaut Delcroix Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse (6) 23, No. 1, 115--127 (2014) Zbl 1290.32017doi:10.5802/afst.1399arXiv:1211.4234
HAX502X - Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles, 2024-2025 Responsable UE, cours et TD L3 Math HAV120X2 - Remédiation en Mathématiques S1, 2024-2025 un groupe de TD (il n'y a que des TD dans cette UE) L1 Biologie, parcours remédiation
HAX502X - Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles, 2023-2024 Responsable UE, cours et TD L3 Math Documents : contrôle final, cours, DM HAV114X - Mathématiques calculatoires en APP, 2023-2024 Co-responsable UE avec Thomas Hausberger, cours, TD L1 Biologie, parcours Apprentissage Par Problèmes, mais plus pour l'UE de Math cette année contrôle final
HAX502X - Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles, 2022-2023 Responsable UE, cours et TD L3 Math Documents : contrôle final, cf HLMA602 années précédentes pour l'essentiel du cours et des TD HAV114X - Mathématiques calculatoires en APP, 2022-2023 Co-responsable UE avec Thomas Hausberger, cours, TD et tutorat L1 Biologie, parcours Apprentissage Par Problèmes
Encadrement du TER d'Andréa Favier et Raphaël Planque 2022 : "Points entiers dans les polytopes convexes" HAS202X - Outils Mathématiques 3, 2021-2022 un groupe de TD L1 Chimie HAX604X - Analyse numérique des équations différentielles, 2021-2022 un groupe de TD L3 Math HAX707X - Groupes et géométrie, 2021-2022 Responsable UE, cours et TD M1 Math Documents : contrôle final, cf HMMA114 années précédentes pour l'essentiel du cours et des TD HAX502X - Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles, 2021-2022 Responsable UE, cours et TD L3 Math Documents : contrôle final, cf HLMA602 années précédentes pour l'essentiel du cours et des TD HAV114X - Mathématiques calculatoires en APP, 2021-2022 Co-responsable UE avec Thomas Hausberger, cours, TD et tutorat L1 Biologie, parcours Apprentissage Par Problèmes